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20 Beautiful Words for My Wife Quotes

20 Beautiful Words for My Wife Quotes
Read & share these latest Love Quotes for wife from QuotesAwe, Our blog have wide collection of quotes by famous authors.Don't wait any event make her feel like a empress of your heart by sending her sweet texts  on a random day.

20 Beautiful Words for My Wife Quotes

01- “Ever since the day we got married I have felt that I am living in heaven, because I have an angel by my side. I love you ” 

02- “The doctor told me that antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids are important for my longevity. But my heart believes that all it needs are your hugs and kisses. xoxo” 

03- “No matter how hard and punishing a day has been, I know I’m going home to the most beautiful person there has ever been. I love you.” 

04- “My love for you is like a delightful mix of addiction, dependency, need and obsession. xoxo” 

05-  “Happiness is the tickle I get deep down in my soul, when we kiss. I love you.” 

06-  “Had fate not made you my life, there would be no point living my life. I love you.” 

07-  “I feel like I am drowning every single day and your kisses are my life-saving gasps of air. I love you.” 

08-  “If you could see the world as I do, you would realize how much I love you.” 

09-  “From dating to wedding and from mortgage to kids, life has been a beautiful ride because I had you by my side, through it all. I love you” 

10-  “People get high on tequila shots, while I get high on you. I love you.” 

11-  “Our wedding hasn’t drastically flipped my life upside down. But it has definitely become free of frowns. I love you.” 

12-  “Researchers, miners and explorers who spend millions on finding the world’s most precious gems are fools. They don’t know that I have stolen it already and it is called YOU. I love you sweetheart.” 

13-  “I wish I could invent a new language of love. Words in the English dictionary are not enough to express how much I love you.” 

14-  “It doesn’t matter if my eyes are open or close. They’re always looking at you. I love you.” 

15- “Early mornings and late nights are the best part of my day because I get to kiss my wife Good Morning and Good Night. I love you.” 

16-  “My love for you knows no time and place. My heart starts thumping every time I see your beautiful face. I love you” 

17-  “Your beautiful face is like a bright sun. I could pass out if I looked at it too long. I love you.” 

18-  “I will never need an energy drink to give myself a boost, as long as I see that luscious smile on your beautiful face. I love you.” 

19-  “From fixing my wrongs to adding value to my rights, you’ve made life a journey worth all the troubles. I love you.” 

20-  “My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me. Winston Churchill